Highline College

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Schedule 2024-09-19T12:14:24+00:00

2024 Opening Week Schedule

Tuesday, Sep. 17, 2024

*All Employee Convocation & Opening Ceremony – Breakfast provided

Time: 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. | Programming will begin at 9 a.m.
Format: In-Person – Building 8, Mt. Townsend
Description: Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. with programming at 9 a.m. Join us for the annual welcome, service awards, and an opportunity to meet the new faculty and staff that have joined the community in the last twelve months!
Target audience: Required attendance for all faculty and staff
Menu: Everyone loves a breakfast burrito! Breakfast burritos (vegetarian, bacon, and sausage options available) along with fresh fruit, coffee, hot tea and water provided by Harried and Hungry

*Highline College Olympics

Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Format: In-Person – Activity will begin in Mt. Townsend
Description: The Office of EDT is sponsoring the first ever Highline College Olympics (that we know of). This accessible event will have something for everyone!
Target audience: All faculty and staff are encouraged to participate!

*Division and Departmental Meetings

Time: 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Description: Employees with a scheduled meeting will receive an outlook invitation from their direct supervisor or Division Chair

Wednesday, Sep. 18, 2024

*All Employee Strategic Planning Meeting – Breakfast provided

Time: 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. | Programming will begin at 9 a.m.
Format: In-Person – Building 8, Mt. Townsend
Description: Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. with programming at 9 a.m. Join Executive Cabinet for a look back at progress made on the college’s strategic goals in 2023-24 and a look ahead to the 2024-25 goals. This is a structured interactive workshop that will include both presentation and group activity.
Target audience: Required attendance for all faculty and staff
Menu: A classic breakfast including scrambled eggs, tofu scramble, breakfast skillet potatoes, hickory bacon and chicken sausage links, hot oatmeal, fresh fruit, yogurt and granola parfaits, and coffee, tea and water service will be provided by The Catering Company

*Drop-in Information Session

Time: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Format: In-person – Building 30, Rooms 301 & 302
Description: Questions about course syllabi, faculty advising, or ITS tools such as Microsoft Teams phones? Drop by this informal session and get the answers you are looking for!
Target audience: Faculty and staff

HCEA Luncheon

Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Format: In-person – Building 8, Mt. Constance & Mt. Olympus
Description: Faculty are invited to this all-faculty lunch sponsored by the Highline College Education Association (HCEA) faculty union.
Target audience: Faculty
Menu: Middle Eastern

College Way Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Time: 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Format: In-person – gathering at the new roundabout (with the lovely new HC sign!), located in the east parking lot.
Description: Join us for the ribbon cutting and official opening of the College Way street. The official ribbon cutting will take place between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Information tables will be set up in the northeast portion of the east parking lot and light refreshments will be available until 3:30 p.m.
Target audience: All faculty and staff are encouraged to attend!

*Division and Departmental Meetings

Time: 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Description: Employees with a scheduled meeting will receive an outlook invitation from their direct supervisor or Division Chair

Thursday, Sep. 19, 2024

*Faculty Assessment Retreat – Bring your laptop!

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Format: In-Person – Building 8, Mt. Townsend
Description: Join the Assessment Committee as we preview the new and improved assessment processes for the upcoming year. Faculty groups will have the opportunity to discuss disaggregated data related to students’ overall performance in individual discipline(s) and to plan ways to improve student performance and narrow any equity gaps. This will also allow you to complete your first assessment “assignment” of the year! More information will be sent via email during Opening Week.
Target audience: Full-Time & Part-Time Faculty
Menu: Coffee and tea service provided by Highline College Bistro

Annual Supervisor In-Service

Time: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Format: In-Person – Building 2
Description: As a supervisor you will have employees who need development and employees who are ready for advancement. In this workshop, you’ll discover strategies and tools for preparing your top performers for the next level while also enhancing the performance of those who need further improvement.
Target audience: Supervisors of full-time classified and exempt staff (non-faculty) – attendance strongly encouraged
Menu: Coffee and tea service provided by Panera Bread

Afternoon Faculty Workshops

*Mind Melding with AI: Teaching Students to Use AI to Learn, Not Cheat

Time: 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Format: Hybrid –  Building 30, Room 301 | Zoom Meeting ID 833 6805 4529, Password 362830
Description: Join us for a discussion on how to help students use AI in a way that does not replace but rather complements learning of foundational skills. How do we help students use AI critically and ethically? How do we design assignments to strengthen both metacognition and AI literacy? Feel free to bring an assignment or assessment you want to redesign!
Target audience: full-time and part-time faculty

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the strengths and biases in generative AI.
  2. Redesign a class assignment to allow options for using generative AI in a way that enhances student learning and metacognition.

Related Tenure Criteria:

  1. I. A. Practice culturally responsive instruction.
  2. I. B. Show commitment to student learning.
  3. I. C. Challenging students intellectually.

Skill Standards for Professional-Technical Instructors

  1. Manage learning environments: A7 Identify, evaluate, and implement new instructional strategies and technologies.
  2. Develop outcomes, assessments, and curricula: B3 Create, evaluate, and modify assessments
  3. Provide student instruction: D3 Initiate, develop, and implement student assessments

*Academic Advising Session A

Time: 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Format: In-person – Building 30, Room 302
Description: Helping students navigate degree requirements and all the resources that accompany the process can be confusing to them, and to the advisors trying to assist them. Yet, this process is critical to ensure that students are on track for timely completion of their program. Join Zoe Harris, Program Manager of Academic Planning and Faculty Advising and Liz Word, Dean for Academic Pathways and Student Learning Resources, as they decode the most commonly used academic planning resources including Academic Advisement Reports (AARs), the Highline Catalog, Watermark templates, and a tool brand new to Highline – Pathway Mapper!Participants will have the opportunity to explore each of these systems in real time and walk away with knowledge to help students achieve their academic goals.
Target audience: full-time and part-time faculty

*Teaching & Learning Enhancement Awards: Why Not You?

Time: 2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Format: Hybrid – Building 8, Mt. Skokomish | https://highline.zoom.us/j/89565466860
Description: Every year, Highline College awards Teaching & Learning Enhancement awards to faculty for work on projects related to innovative teaching. Tenured, tenure-track, lecturer, and part-time faculty are all welcome to apply. Last year, the TLE committee faculty members Sam Sam Alkhalili, Hara Brook, and Maurea Brown along with Emily Lardner, VPAA.  

The purpose of this session is to learn about exciting work from faculty who received TLE awards last year and get advice on preparing your own successful applications. (Applications are due in the third week of Fall Quarter.) Last year’s awardees included: 

  • Katie Baker:  Application of Large Data Sets, PBL, and CURE in Cellular Biology for Majors (Biol&211)
  • Lisa Bernhagen:  How to make antiracist ungrading practices work well in Canvas for students and you
  • Daryllyn Harris:  Strong, Magical, and Depressed: Support Group for African American women with experiences of Depression.
  • Robin Martin & Rashmi Koushik:  ELCAP Student Handbook & Jumpstart Program Improvement
  • Angel Steadman:  Empower: A Comprehensive OER Textbook for Advanced ESOL Learners

Target audience: full-time and part-time faculty

*Academic Advising Session B

Time: 2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Format: Virtual | https://highline.zoom.us/j/83539664232 
Description: Helping students navigate degree requirements and all the resources that accompany the process can be confusing to them, and to the advisors trying to assist them. Yet, this process is critical to ensure that students are on track for timely completion of their program. Join Zoe Harris, Program Manager of Academic Planning and Faculty Advising and Liz Word, Dean for Academic Pathways and Student Learning Resources, as they decode the most commonly used academic planning resources including Academic Advisement Reports (AARs), the Highline Catalog, Watermark templates, and a tool brand new to Highline – Pathway Mapper!Participants will have the opportunity to explore each of these systems in real time and walk away with knowledge to help students achieve their academic goals.
Target audience: full-time and part-time faculty

21st Annual Faculty & Staff of Color Group Reception

Time: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Format: In-person – La Familia Sports Lounge, 22855 Pacific Hwy S. Des Moines, WA
Target audience: faculty and staff of color
Menu: light appetizers including bacon wrapped prawns, bone in and boneless wings, BBQ pork, onion loaf, potato skins, coconut prawns and caprese
Questions: Questions regarding this event can be directed to FSOC@highline.edu

Friday, Sep. 20, 2024

Annual Service Opportunity

Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Format: In-person – meet at east entrance to Building 6
Description: Fall Campus cleanup with coffee and donuts. Sponsored by the Highline College Public Safety Department. All supplies will be provided.
Target audience: All employees!

*Part-Time faculty may request a stipend for all events/ activities with an asterisk. Please complete the Adjunct Faculty Stipend Request form to request a stipend(s).